Author: Tim Teissen
Es gab technische Probleme mit dem Kontaktformular, die nun behoben sein sollten. Falls auf eine Anfrage keine Antwort kam, bitte noch einmal versuchen! Entschuldigung für die Umstände! I’ve had problems receiving messages via the contact form used on this website. The bug should be fixed by now, so try to contact me again if you haven’t got any answer yet. Sorry for the inconvenience!
Tim Teissen – Teesatz (Spaceman Spiff Cover)
The Power of Konnakol (2): Creating a rhythmic grid
This is part 2 of my series on konnakol, a rhythm language that may help you improve your sense of rhythm. Here, I’m using konnakol in order to get control over the beat subdivisions. This video also shows how to play a 15/8 meter. It includes exercises #3 and 4. (Note: You should watch part 1 and my video on “Rhythm Basics” first.) topics: rhythm, konnakol, subdivisions Level: basic Instruments: for all instruments Duration: 10 min For a list of all my video lessons go here. You could also use the tag cloud (in the footer area of…
The Power of Konnakol (1): Introduction
This is part 1 of my series on konnakol, a rhythm language that may help you improve your sense of rhythm. In this first video, I’m introducing the vocabulary of konnakol. It includes 2 exercises as well. topics: rhythm, konnakol Level: basic Instruments: for all instruments Duration: 9 min For a list of all my video lessons go here. You could also use the tag cloud (in the footer area of this website) in order to look for video lessons. All German-speaking viewers may have a look at my translation page.
Rhythm Basics – Dividing the Beat
This lesson shows how to master different subdivisions of the beat, i.e. how to play 1 to 6 notes per beat. Usually called “rhythm pyramid”, this lesson is called “The Rhythm Elevator” here. It includes two exercises: an easier one, and a more advanced one with quintuplets and sextuplets. topics: rhythm, subdivisions Level: basic Instruments: for all instruments Duration: 7 min For a list of all my video lessons go here. You could also use the tag cloud (in the footer area of this website) in order to look for video lessons. All German-speaking viewers may have a…
Working with opto-style compression (2): mixing a song
As I promised (see my first post on the topic), I’m going to reveal some secrets about my last mix project. It’s kind of a DIY music video, made for my youtube channel. It’s an acoustic ballad, played by Julia Motz and me on two guitars. If you like our music, check out Now here’s how the recording was made: We recorded it on a 4-track basis: 2 mono guitars, 2 mono vocals. That’s it. No compression oder EQing during tracking. While mixing the audio track for the video, I processed EVERY track as follows: phase alignment between the…
M.U.T. – Sophie (Original song)
Working with opto-style compression (1): bass

Opto compressors are said to sound very musical, especially when used with bass instruments and/or vocals. In my live rig, I’ve been using an opto compressor pedal for quite a while now, it makes my bass or guitar sound thick and warm, while preserving the punch of the instrument. In the studio, I’ve recently had the opportunity to work with the IGS ONE LA500 (see picture), which is a single channel optical compressor just like the “good old” Teletronix LA-2A, a compressor heard on countless records since the 1960’s. Soon, I’m going to post a mix I finished a few…