The Power of Konnakol (4): Practising three-note groups

In part 4 of my series, we’re going to practise three-note groups on several subdivision levels. This video lesson is also about controlling polyrhythmic structures (e.g. 4 over 3, or 5 over 3). It includes an exercise in two versions. Personally I like how the latter of the two sounds. Enjoy!


topics: rhythm, konnakol, subdivisions, polyrhythms
Level: advanced
Instruments: for all instruments
Duration: approx. 7 min
Extras/Download: Additional exercise – for electric bass only


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All German-speaking viewers may have a look at my translation page.

Musical Terms: English – German

Here’s a list of musical terms I use in some of my videos, and their German translation.

Einige musikalische Fachbegriffe auf Englisch und Deutsch:

accidentals – Vorzeichen

B (note name) – H (Note)

division levels – rhythmische Ebenen (z.B. Achtel-, Sechzehntel-Ebene)

enharmonic spelling – enharmonische Verwechslung

flat – b (Vorzeichen)

fret – Bund

open string – leere Saite

pitch – Tonhöhe

quintuplet – Quintole

sharp – Kreuz

triplet – Triole

unison – Prim