Fretboard Basics. Part 3: octaves and unisons

In this video lesson, I’m introducing 4 ways of playing octaves, and I’m showing how to play unisons. Unlike my first two “fretboard basics” videos, this video lesson was especially made for bass. (It can be modified for other string instruments, though.)
This lesson contains exercises #7 and #8.


topics: fretboard, octaves, unisons
Level: basic
Instruments: bass
Duration: 9 min


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Fretboard Basics. Part 2: flats and sharps

In this video lesson, I’m introducing the flat and the sharp sign, showing how to combine them with any note. Just like my first “fretboard basics” video, this video lesson can be applied to all string instruments, fretted or non-fretted.
This lesson contains exercises #4 to 6.


topics: fretboard, note names
Level: basic
Instruments: all Western string instruments
Duration: 9 min
Extras/Download: Solution for exercise #6


For a list of all my video lessons go here.
You could also use the tag cloud (in the footer area of this website) in order to look for video lessons.

All German-speaking viewers may have a look at my translation page.