Author: Tim Teissen
Mastered by Tim Teissen
Coming out soon (October 2018): The new album of gulis, a Graz-based alternative rock band with its own unique style of music. “Just Like A River” is released on Engine Records, also a Graz-based indie label. I’m happy to announce that I mastered the whole album for CD release. Thanks to the open-mindedness of the band’s members, I was able to achieve a fairly high dynamic range for this album’s music. (For those who are interested: the album’s dynamic range is DR9, and its loudness ranges between approx. -10 and -11 LUFS.) Thus, I could keep the punch, impact, and…
Exploring the Fingerboard (4): Octaves and fourths

The last episode of my “Exploring the Fingerboard” series is about finding and naming notes within any single position. To this end, we have to make use of octaves and fourths, and the “next stop” rule. Contents: 0:50 – The “small window” problem 1:31 – Octaves 2:39 – Fourths 3:49 – Octaves again 4:29 – Exercise 8: Naming 2 notes on each string within a position 5:12 – Ex. 8A: Starting with the note D (A string, 3rd position) 6:09 – Ex. 8B: Starting with the note E (A string, 4th position) 7:04 – Summary & goodbye topics: fingerboard…
Exploring the Fingerboard (3): Sharps and flats

In part 3 of my “Exploring the Fingerboard” series, I’m adding sharps and flats to the notes. This helps us exploring the “in-between” positions. The “next stop” rules (part 1) are necessary to master this episode’s exercises (#5 to #7). Index: 0:56 – sharps 1:21 – Exercise 5: Play the ABC on the A string but add a sharp to every note 2:06 – Exercise 5A: upwards 3:30 – Exercise 5B: down the A string (same fingering) 5:03 – flats 5:58 – Exercise 6: Play the ABC on the G string but add a flat to every note 7:25 –…
Exploring the Fingerboard (2): Notes on the other strings

In part 2 of my “Exploring the Fingerboard” series, I’m exploring the other strings, using the same rules and concepts introduced in part 1. This part includes exercises #2 to 4. Index: 0:46 – Summary of part 1 1:33 – Exercise 2: Play the ABC on the G string 4:33 – Exercise 3: From E to E on the D string 6:04 – Exercise 4: From E to E on the E string topics: fingerboard orientation, notes, note names Level: beginner Instruments: double bass Duration: approx. 8:22 min For a list of all my video lessons go here.…
Exploring the Fingerboard (1): Notes on your A string

“Exploring the Fingerboard” is a series of video lessons especially made for double bass players. It’s all about fingerboard orientation, so these video lessons should help you to find notes all over your fingerboard. This is part 1 of 4. It features an important navigation rule, and the first of a series of exercises. topics: fingerboard orientation, notes, note names Level: beginner Instruments: double bass Duration: approx. 7:46 min For a list of all my video lessons go here. You could also use the tag cloud (in the footer area of this website) in order to look for…
Fixing phase issues in the mix

Phase correlation is always important in recording and mixing, and if you’re interested in this topic, please read on. I’d like to tell you how I „rescued“ a guitar recording during the mixing stage. Written by Tim Teissen First of all, I must admit I did the recording myself, using M/S technique. It’s one of my own songs. I used an omnidirectional mic for the mid signal (which is not as usual as using a cardoid pattern but nevertheless possible), and, of course, a figure of 8 for the sides. All in all, I liked the overall sound, which,…
Tim’s Odd Meter Collection (Vol. 1)
Ich steh an deiner Krippen hier

Mein musikalischer Weihnachtsgruß 2017: “Ich steh an deiner Krippen hier”, ein Choral mit der Melodie von J. S. Bach (BWV 469). Ich habe das Lied für 5-saitigen E-Bass arrangiert. Zum Einsatz kommen neben einem Looper analoge Effekt-Pedale. “Ich steh an deiner Krippen hier” (Beside Thy Manger Here I Stand) – an adaptation of J. S. Bach’s melody (BWV 469), arranged for bass and played by Tim Teissen. This version features live looping, an odd-meter loop cycle, and an improvisation. No overdubs, everything you hear was recorded in a single take. Season’s greetings and best wishes for the New Year!
The Power of Konnakol (7): How to play anything over anything

Step-by-step instructions how to play any number of notes over any number of beats. This video lesson includes the following polyrhythms: 3 over 4, 3 over 5, 3 over 7, 4 over 7, 5 over 4, 7 over 4. topics: rhythm, konnakol, subdivisions, polyrhythms Level: advanced Instruments: for all instruments Duration: approx. 9:40 min For a list of all my video lessons go here. You could also use the tag cloud (in the footer area of this website) in order to look for video lessons. All German-speaking viewers may have a look at my translation page.