Willkommen ...!
Ich schätze sowohl die Schlichtheit eines Songs (gutes Songwriting, gute Texte) als auch die Komplexität von Kompositionen des modernen Jazz.
Neben meiner Arbeit als (Multi-)Instrumentalist liegen mit das Unterrichten sowie die kreative Arbeit im Tonstudio (Arrangieren, Aufnehmen, Mischen und Mastering von Musik) am Herzen.
Welcome ...!
I'm afraid this website is mostly in German but feel free to contact me. However, you can find some information in English if you browse through this website. I added English comments where I found it useful.
Please have a look at my video section!
Splitting Measures (4): Splits in 12/8
A 12/8 time signature offers a variety of interesting rhythms. In this lesson, you learn how to play a shuffle groove and other syncopated or near-polyrhythmic grooves.
0:39 – Introduction
1:14 – The magic of 12
2:16 – Exercise 10: Simple shuffle groove: 3333
3:02 – Exercise 11: Symmetric splits: 2222222 3333 444 66
4:53 – Half-symmetric splits
5:19 – Exercise 12: The “half-symmetric” split: 33222
6:05 – Exercise 13: The asymmetrical split: 22323
6:47 – A note to exercise 13: 255, 552, 525
topics: rhythm, konnakol, shuffle, blues, polyrhythms
Level: beginner
Instruments: for all instruments
Duration: approx. 7:54 min
For a list of all my video lessons go here. You could also use the tag cloud (in the footer area of this website) in order to look for video lessons.
All German-speaking viewers may have a look at my translation page.
Wexford Carol
Mein musikalischer Weihnachtsgruß 2019: das irische Weihnachtslied “Wexford Carol”, arrangiert für drei Kontrabässe.
A traditional Irish Christmas carol, arranged for three double basses, played, recorded and mixed by Tim Teissen.
Season’s greetings and best wishes for the New Year!
Question & Answer (1): Is there a 5 UNDER 4 polyrhythm?
In my new Q&A video, I’m sharing my thoughts on polyrhythms, notation and rhythmic modulation. And I’m discussion a particular rhythmic problem, which originally was a question of one of my followers.
0:19 – Question: Is there a 5 UNDER 4 polyrhythm?
2:00 – How to draw a 4/4 measure
2:47 – How to draw a 4 over 5 polyrhythm
3:49 – Why 4 over 5 is equal to 5 over 4
4:36 – What is rhythmic modulation?
5:34 – Answer: solution #1
7:12 – Answer: solution #2
8:29 – Example: real 4 over 5 vs. fake 4 over 5
topics: polyrhythms, rhythmic illusion, rhythmic modulation
Level: intermediate
Instruments: for all instruments
Duration: 9:53 min
For a list of all my video lessons go here. You could also use the tag cloud (in the footer area of this website) in order to look for video lessons.
All German-speaking viewers may have a look at my translation page.